Monday, January 24, 2011


Mondays are always hard at work. The kids come back to class thrown off by the weekend and getting back into routine can sometimes be a challenge. Mondays are harder when I have a bad night's sleep. I kept tossing all night, finally giving up and getting up to have a snack. I think the prednisone is still messing my sleep up even though yesterday was my last dose. Hopefully now that I am off it, sleep will come easier and I won't be hungry all the time. Unfortunately, a lack of sleep always ends up with a headache. I'm just glad it's not a migraine. So painkillers to the rescue!


  1. My favorite thing about PPCD was that by the time March rolls around, the kids do seem to get the routine of everything. The class starts running smoothly. I remember many a serene May in PPCD - the opposite of just about any other grade level. So hang in there!

  2. Feel better! We are following you from Follow Me Monday. Hope you'll come by our blog. Have a great rest of your week!

    the luxe team

    livin luxe on less
