Friday, February 18, 2011

Marshmallow Creme

I had a rough morning, trouble getting up, trouble getting ready, just totally out of it including almost walking out without my purse. It was a miracle I actually got to work on time and in one piece. I was going to make rice krispie treats with the kids for sensory Friday but I forgot to bring the butter and the mixing bowl. Well the lesson had to go on, so I improvised. We used the rice krispies and mixed in the marshmallow creme in cups, and they enjoyed eating it. This is one of the joys of my job, my kids do not judge. They enjoy whatever I do even when I think it's the dumbest idea ever.

1 comment:

  1. at least you knew how to improvise. If it was me, I'll be at my wits end, not knowing what to do (since i'm the least bit creative).
